LGBT+ Focus Group

March 9, 2019 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Woodlawn Library
2020 W 9th St
Wilmington, DE 19805
Dionne Cornish

ADCServices and BCCS are hosting focus groups for a youth-led, adult-supported initiative for the LGBT+ community. The focus groups are intended for ages 13-24 who are members of the LGBT+ community. We will be discussing our local community’s existing strengths, what it is that the community needs, how to improve what is already available, and how to build something truly unique and empowering together. We plan to spend a couple of hours sitting down with those who show up to “break bread” and have an open dialogue, meant to provide guidance for the upcoming program. We plan to identify goals and barriers, and then brainstorm for solutions together. We will then shape the program to get it started in a direction that young LGBT+ leaders want.

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